05 | For the City


1 Corinthians 10:31- 11:1

We're studying 1 Corinthians this year, exploring the theme of 'Strong Church' and looking at what it takes for Soma to become a long-term disciple-making presence in our region and beyond. A Strong Church is clear on the gospel message, lives as a counter-cultural community together, and is oriented toward serving the city and making disciples who can make disciples. On this unique Sunday, we look back at these themes and look forward to our Bloomsday Scattering on May 5th, a great opportunity to put into practice all we've been learning. 


1. You are the Church. As we gather or scatter. How will you use our Bloomsday Scattering to be the church with people in our city?

2. Gospel Saturation. In what ways have you/are you experiencing the goodness of God? How can you put that on display for those in our region? Who needs to experience God's glory?

3. The Good of the City. How are you praying for the good of Spokane? What are you doing to seek the flourishing of Spokane?

4. The mission of the Gospel. Who are you in relationship with? Who has God given you favor with? What aspect of the Gospel would be really good news for them?

April 28, 2019 | Steve Hart