05 | Love the Body


1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Chapter 13 is both a beautiful celebration of love and a visceral gut-punch for the church. Paul writes this chapter as a rebuke to a church that is a mess: While the Corinthians were highly gifted, they lacked the kind of Spirit-wrought character that showed true evidence of conversion to Christ. Gifts, ministry, and service - when divorced from love - are of zero profit and do not evidence a true work of the Spirit. Paul is telling the church they must excel in character in a way that mirrors their strength of gifting or they are risk spiritual bankruptcy.


1. Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. What is your first impression of the passage? How have you typically heard or understood it?

2. What difference does it make to see the chapter as a challenge or rebuke to the Corinthians ways of relating?

3. Read the list of traits of love - what agape really is - ask the Spirit to bring clarity and conviction. What is the Spirit saying about your love?

4. What would you say your community and our Soma family is known for? Is this kind of character transformation happening among us?

5. Read 1 Corinthians 1:4-9, and be encouraged at what Jesus promises to do by his Spirit in his people. Pray our love would increase!

June 16, 2019 | Steve Hart