07 | Life in Community: Part 2 - We are Servants


Titus 2.11-15

Titus 2.14 says the Church is the special, treasured possession of Jesus - a people rescued from sin, called into relationship, and sent into the world to carry on the mission of Jesus. This week we look at the Church as a people bought with a high price and called to be Servants of Jesus in all of life. Because Jesus has served us, giving His life as a ransom for many, our way of life as His disciples is to be marked by obeying Him, submitting to Him, expecting from Him, and relying on Him as we generously steward time, treasure, and talent in sacrificial service.

For Discussion:

1. Read Mark 10.35-45, and answer the 4 Questions: Who is God? What has He done? Who are we? How should we live?

2. How does Jesus define greatness? What does He do with His own greatness and power, and in what ways does that contrast with our Western Culture?

3. Our way of life is to embody the self-sacrificing life of Jesus, generously stewarding time, talent, and treasure for His mission. As you think about those 3 categories, which is most difficult for you to give away? Why? How does the Gospel free you toward generosity?

4. For Kids & Youth: Practice generosity as a family this week. Look around your house, asking your kids to identify what God has given you (could be toys, food, kitchen table, clothes, money, etc.). Decide together what you can give away, and to whom. If you give to the Church or to other ministries, discuss with your kids what you give and why, showing them what joyful stewardship looks like!

October 20, 2019 - Steve Hart