
11 | Everyday Practices


Titus 2.11-15

Everyday Practices

God’s dream for the world is that every nook and cranny of His creation would know and enjoy Him forever. “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Hab. 2.14). To that end, we’re calling and equipping every disciple to our biblical Priorities of Gospel Formation, Life In Community, and Everyday Mission. In our wrap-up to this series, we look at 4 Key Practices - Gather, Go, Grow, and Give - and how they help us get our Priorities to the ground. While we don’t have membership, committing together to these 4 Practices is how we partner for the sake of the Gospel in our church, region, and the world.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Titus 2.11-15. What has struck you most about this text as we’ve soaked in it over the last 10 weeks?

2. Take some time to review where we’ve been in Basics. Consider the riches of the Gospel and all that is ours in Jesus. Remember your baptism into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, and reacquaint yourself with what it means to be part of a Family of Servants and Missionaries. And consider the call of Jesus into everyday mission, to whom He has sent you and what He has called you to do. What has most impacted you about this series?

3. Read over the 4 Practices, and describe how you’re living it out in this season. Please don’t see this as the new law or expectation; these are simply guidelines or best practices, designed to help you think and pray about what faithfulness in this season looks like. It should be unique to you, your season, your family, and your strengths and liabilities. If you need more help dialing it in, let me know!

4. To end our Basics series, we’re taking a special offering for church planting. Church planting is one of the best ways to reach new people with the Gospel, and we are committed to planting churches locally and globally. How is the Spirit leading you to give? Every dollar of this special offering will go directly to church planting right here in the Inland Northwest! somaspokane.org/give

November 17, 2019 - Steve Hart


10 | Everyday Mission: Part 2 - Make Disciples


Titus 2.11-15

Everyday Mission, Part 2 - Make Disciples

The focus of Everyday Mission is to make disciples who can make disciples. Jesus is the risen King and Lord of history, and in His final words to His disciples, He commands them to carry on His central ministry - forming communities of discipleship around Him, His message and His mission. Do our everyday priorities and practices reflect a life of disciple-making mission?

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Matthew 28.16-20, commonly known as The Great Commission. What strikes you about this text? If you put yourselves in the shoes of the disciples, what do you think would be most striking about this scene?

2. The book of Acts tells the story of these first disciples obeying the Great Commission. What did they go and do? How did the Spirit work? What were some of their priorities and practices?

3. If you were to take personal responsibility for the Great Commission, and arrange your life around it, what might need to change? What would you do more, and what would you do less? What would you start doing today?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can check out the Missional Community Life Workshop Videos Part 1 & 2 here: https://subspla.sh/zxkqp7t and https://subspla.sh/sbrjyvw

5. For Kids & Youth: As parents, we have a profound discipling impact on our kids which is the purpose of our lives. We can tell them we love and trust Jesus, but if our life is about other things (like career, comfort, people’s approval, etc.) our kids will see the discrepancy. Ask your kids to evaluate what they think your life is about. Learn from them, celebrate and adjust as necessary!

November 10, 2019 - Steve Hart


09 | Everyday Mission: Part 1 - Gospel Power


Titus 2.11-15

Everyday Mission, Part 1 - Gospel Power

The good news of the Gospel is the power of the Christian life, not just as the start but throughout the whole of life. The good news of Jesus' work brings ongoing transformation, day in and day out, as the Spirit permeates our lives with its truth. That power of the Gospel shapes us into a certain kind of people - a Family of Servants and Missionaries - called the Church, a Gospel people. It is through these people that Jesus is on mission in the world today, making disciples who can make disciples and planting churches that can plant churches.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Take some time to review where we’ve been: Gospel Formation and Life In Community. What are the 3 aspects of the Gospel we’ve discussed? What are the Identities that shape our community?

2. Re-read Titus 2.11-15, and pay special attention to what Paul says in v.14. What was the purpose for Jesus’ rescue mission? What does Paul say is the identity and the purpose of the Church?

3. Consider this: the place where your passions and the needs of the world intersect is where God has called you to do His works. What opportunities for good works are right in front of you?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the video here: https://subspla.sh/j5hrj5q. In particular, here's a short clip to watch and discuss: The Purpose of the Gospel (27:30-30:00).

5. For Kids & Youth: In what ways are you as a family engaging the brokenness of the world? What are some needs around you that you can meet as a family today? Help your kids see how the power of the Gospel and purpose of the Gospel connect!

November 3, 2019 - Steve Hart


08 | Life in Community: Part 3 - We are Missionaries


Titus 2.11-15

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus was a great rescue operation in which God stepped into His rebel world and purchased the freedom of a people at great cost to Himself. Jesus has paid the price to free us from sin, self, and death, so we can live now as His people - the Church - in all of life. This week we look at how Jesus equips us as His people so He can continue His rescue operation through us, empowering us by His Holy Spirit to be Missionaries, sent into the world to share and show the good news.

For Discussion:

1. Read Acts 1.1-8, where Jesus promises the Spirit to make the disciples into witnesses (Missionaries!). What is Jesus promising His disciples?

2. What has been your personal understanding and experience of the presence and power of the Spirit? How does your experience compare to what Jesus seems to be promising in Acts?

3. With whom has Jesus given you favor? How would you live differently if you knew Jesus was going save them as you build relationship and share Gospel with them?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the video https://subspla.sh/brk5syh. In particular, here are 2 short clips to watch and discuss: Getting To Know the Spirit (3:50-5:45), or Our Missionary Identity (48:30-52:00)

5. For Kids & Youth: Who has God given you favor with as a family? Consider your neighbors, sports teams, kids friends, etc. In what ways can you as a family prioritize relationship with them, invite them in, and learn more of their story? What aspects of the Gospel might be good news for them?

October 27, 2019 - Steve Hart


07 | Life in Community: Part 2 - We are Servants


Titus 2.11-15

Titus 2.14 says the Church is the special, treasured possession of Jesus - a people rescued from sin, called into relationship, and sent into the world to carry on the mission of Jesus. This week we look at the Church as a people bought with a high price and called to be Servants of Jesus in all of life. Because Jesus has served us, giving His life as a ransom for many, our way of life as His disciples is to be marked by obeying Him, submitting to Him, expecting from Him, and relying on Him as we generously steward time, treasure, and talent in sacrificial service.

For Discussion:

1. Read Mark 10.35-45, and answer the 4 Questions: Who is God? What has He done? Who are we? How should we live?

2. How does Jesus define greatness? What does He do with His own greatness and power, and in what ways does that contrast with our Western Culture?

3. Our way of life is to embody the self-sacrificing life of Jesus, generously stewarding time, talent, and treasure for His mission. As you think about those 3 categories, which is most difficult for you to give away? Why? How does the Gospel free you toward generosity?

4. For Kids & Youth: Practice generosity as a family this week. Look around your house, asking your kids to identify what God has given you (could be toys, food, kitchen table, clothes, money, etc.). Decide together what you can give away, and to whom. If you give to the Church or to other ministries, discuss with your kids what you give and why, showing them what joyful stewardship looks like!

October 20, 2019 - Steve Hart


06 | Life in Community: Part 1 - We are Family


Titus 2.11-15

The Church is a people who, having been rescued by Jesus, now belong to Him as His treasured possession. When we repent and believe the Gospel, we are born again, and we are baptized into the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit. This means we are now God's people, brought into relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit. This week, we explore our relationship to the Father's, what it means to be His adopted children, and how we can learn to love one another as His Family.

For Reflection or Discussion:

1. Read Galatians 4.1-7.

2. What does it look like when you're living out of your orphan identity? What does it look like when you're living out of your adopted identity? See page 50 in your Basics manual for reference.

3. How does God's triunity (3 persons in one) influence your understanding of community? Think: God is love and exists in perfect unity. This reveals God's heart and idea of the world and community. Relationship is not an option, it's who we are.

4. As individuals, think about this: how would your relationships change if Jesus, rather than personal interests, was the glue? What would be easier and what would be more difficult?

5. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the video here: https://subspla.sh/7r2cntb. In particular, here are 2 short clips to watch and discuss:

1) 6:30-10:00 The Gospel Flow; and

2) 25:00-40:00 Slaves or Sons

6. For Kids & Youth: Ask your kids what they think the Bible means when it says we're adopted? If we have been adopted into God's family, how do we help other people know that they are a part of God's family?

October 13, 2019 - Steve Hart


05 | Gospel Formation Summary & Sharing


Titus 2.11-15

Over the last 3 weeks, we've looked at the past, present, and future tenses of salvation: We have been saved from the penalty of sin (past), are being saved from the power of sin (present), and will be saved from the presence of sin (future). All 3 have massive implications for us as followers of Jesus, and taken together can transform our lives. But how does that transformation happen? This week we explore Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3.14-21, where he asks the Spirit to bring the truth and power of God's love for us in Christ deep into our hearts. We look at how to welcome this process and hear stories of how people in our church family are experiencing the Gospel's power today.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Ephesians 3.14-21. The focus of Paul’s prayer is the Spirit’s work to drive the love of God in Jesus into our hearts. Why is the Bible ruthlessly “heart” focused when it comes to real growth and change? What happens if we ignore, minimize, or deny the central role of the heart?

2. What is one area of living (thoughts, words, or actions) that you’d like to see change? What is the root or heart issue involved (think: what am I believing, desiring, or trusting)?

3. What aspect of the Gospel, if it was “known beyond knowledge,” would fill you with the fullness of God and set you free?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the Gospel Formation Workshop videos here:

(Part 1) https://subspla.sh/tzq655p

(Part 2) https://subspla.sh/m2fnskt

5. For Kids & Youth: Discuss with your kids why the focus of change is the heart (consider Luke 6.43-45). As much as we want our kids to obey us and God, we are ultimately hoping God will grab ahold of their hearts and desires, and lead them into newness of life. Pray with your kids, asking the Spirit to fill our hearts with the love of God!

October 6, 2019 - Steve Hart


04 | Formed by the Gospel: Part 3 - Future Tense


Titus 2.11-15

Being a follower of Jesus means understanding all that He is and has done for us, and allowing that news to be worked deep into our hearts so that our whole lives are shaped by Him. We use the term "Gospel Formation" to describe the process of being conformed to Jesus and His ways with our mind, heart and life. This week, we're looking at how the end of the Story - Jesus' return as the rightful King of the World - in which He makes all things new - shapes us today. Through Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of sin (past), and we are being saved from the power of sin (present). When Jesus returns, we will be saved from the presence of sin (future), transformed into full Christlikeness, and enjoying God forever in this world remade and restored.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Titus 2.11-15. This is the text we’ll be in for the whole Basics series. Notice that v.11 is Salvation Past Tense, v.12 is Present, and v.13 is Future. What has happened? What is still happening? What will happen some day?

2. When you think of ‘heaven,’ what comes to mind? What images dominate your mind regarding God’s end goal?

3. Read Romans 8.16-32, a densely packed exploration of what is yet to come. What is promised personally for those in Christ, and how ought that shape our living? What is promised for all of creation, and how ought that shape our living?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the video https://subspla.sh/8wm8jjc. In particular, here are 2 short clips to watch and discuss:

1) 33:30-35:30 - The Weight of Glory or

2) 48:00-50:00 - Thinking Rightly About The Next World

5. Each week, we’ll be giving some ideas for how to engage kids and youth with the basics content. This week, explain the future tense of the Gospel to your kids. What will Jesus do for us personally when He returns? How is that good news for us? And what will He do for all of creation? How does that shape how we live in this world now?

September 29, 2019 - Steve Hart