04 | Formed by the Gospel: Part 3 - Future Tense


Titus 2.11-15

Being a follower of Jesus means understanding all that He is and has done for us, and allowing that news to be worked deep into our hearts so that our whole lives are shaped by Him. We use the term "Gospel Formation" to describe the process of being conformed to Jesus and His ways with our mind, heart and life. This week, we're looking at how the end of the Story - Jesus' return as the rightful King of the World - in which He makes all things new - shapes us today. Through Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of sin (past), and we are being saved from the power of sin (present). When Jesus returns, we will be saved from the presence of sin (future), transformed into full Christlikeness, and enjoying God forever in this world remade and restored.

Questions for Discussion:

1. Read Titus 2.11-15. This is the text we’ll be in for the whole Basics series. Notice that v.11 is Salvation Past Tense, v.12 is Present, and v.13 is Future. What has happened? What is still happening? What will happen some day?

2. When you think of ‘heaven,’ what comes to mind? What images dominate your mind regarding God’s end goal?

3. Read Romans 8.16-32, a densely packed exploration of what is yet to come. What is promised personally for those in Christ, and how ought that shape our living? What is promised for all of creation, and how ought that shape our living?

4. If you’d like to dig more deeply into this week’s content, you can access the video https://subspla.sh/8wm8jjc. In particular, here are 2 short clips to watch and discuss:

1) 33:30-35:30 - The Weight of Glory or

2) 48:00-50:00 - Thinking Rightly About The Next World

5. Each week, we’ll be giving some ideas for how to engage kids and youth with the basics content. This week, explain the future tense of the Gospel to your kids. What will Jesus do for us personally when He returns? How is that good news for us? And what will He do for all of creation? How does that shape how we live in this world now?

September 29, 2019 - Steve Hart