
Our hope is to connect you with resources that help you think theologically, cultivate your affections for Jesus, and offer ideas and opportunities for action. 

Kids and Family Resources

  • If we are to see our children living out their identities as children of God, disciples, missionaries, and servants, they need the same gospel truths that transform us.

    Discipleship is simply communicating gospel truth in the context of relationships, and for kids this happens most naturally and most often in the home.


  • We use The Gospel Project for children from babies through 3rd Grade. The Gospel Project is a 4-year curriculum that helps children (and adults!) learn that the Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story of God's plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. And it's our story, too.

    We encourage parents to follow along with their children and incorporate the lesson throughout the week at home.

  • Soma Kids takes 4th and 5th graders through The New City Catechism on Sundays and we are encouraging parents to also use this resource at home with their children.

    The New City Catechism Curriculum features 52 engaging lessons developed from the questions and answers of The New City Catechism, designed to help children learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith and take personal steps of faith in Jesus.


Baptism Resources

Baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in the likeness of His death and resurrection. Going under the water signifies that a person’s former way of life has been put to death and depicts a release from the mastery of sin. Coming up out of the water signifies the newness of one’s life in union with the Risen Jesus and the eager anticipation of the renewal of all things when Jesus returns.

  • The Bible presents baptism as an outward  sign of faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Christian baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Jesus, declaring the believer’s faith in and identification with their crucified, buried, and risen Savior. Baptism is a visible sermon of the gospel of Jesus Christ, identifying the Christian with his death, burial, and resurrection (Matt. 28:19–20; Rom. 6:1–11; 1 Cor. 12:13; Col. 2:12).

  • The Greek word used for baptism in the New Testament, baptizo, means “to plunge, dip, or immerse in water.” For example, in the secular ancient Greek, this word was used to explain things such as the sinking of a ship that had been submerged in water. In baptism, the believer is immersed beneath the water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. We baptize Christians in the same way as Jesus: immersed in water and then brought up out of the water (Mark 1:10; Acts 8:34–39).

  • The New Testament consistently demonstrates that those who are baptized are people who have put their trust in Jesus and turned from sin. John the Baptizer called people to repentance before they were baptized (Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3). Baptism is reserved solely for those who have received Jesus as their Lord and Savior. In addition, Jesus commanded that all Christians should be baptized (Matt. 28:19). His apostles also commanded that all Christians be baptized (Acts 2:38).

Healing Villages

  • Abuse. Addiction. Assorted Trouble. This is life in the real world, and none of us is immune. Pain, loss, and suffering are inevitable experiences of human life. Sadly, we often multiply sorrows by living as victims, engaging in addiction, or stuffing our pain.

    What might it look like to bring all this deep brokenness into the light? What would it take for you to tell your story, to acknowledge what has been done to you, and to admit what you have done?

    What sort of freedom awaits you? What might it be like to be freed from the idols you worship and the wounds you carry? What sort of freedom would flood your soul if you were deeply and fully known yet still wanted and loved?

    Because none of us are immune to sin and suffering, we need safe places and safe people with whom we can process what we’ve lived, reconcile our experience with the goodness of God, and come to a place of self-awareness, openness toward God, and receptivity toward one another.

    Only the gospel message - the news of a God so strong, so compassionate, and so good who would freely choose to step into suffering, identify with us in it, and give his life for us, rising 3 days later to conquer sin, death, and hell - can free us.

    To know Jesus is to know and experience real redemption.

    All of this is yours in Jesus Christ, and joining Healing Villages is a way to step into the opportunity to know your Redeemer in a whole new way.

  • Each evening consists of a short teaching, a time of reflection, and a safe group setting led by gospel shepherds trained to listen, pursue, and facilitate the healing only Jesus can bring.

  • This will be a costly process for you - emotional, time, and risk - and there will also be a one-time program fee of $150 due at the time of your intake interview.

The Story of God

The Bible is not just a list of rules to obey, stories to be inspired by, or morals to live your life by. Sure, the Bible contains rules, stories, and morality, but it is so much more than just these things. It is the True And Better Story of the World. It is a divine drama, a moving six-act play. We long to read our Bible correctly and live our lives faithfully. Using 6 symbols, we're learning to tell the Story in simple but compelling ways. 

  • The original 22 narrative set which shows the redemptive arc of Bible that climaxes in Jesus.  Audio of the narratives are included—the audio is often very helpful in learning to tell the Story well.


  • The Story of God edited for elementary school aged children. Many of us use this with our kids at home and we've used it in MC and Sunday gatherings as well.


  • If you're about to lead the Story without having experienced it firsthand. This will give you a leg up. These notes that accompany some training we do with leaders gives you both the why and the how of Storying.


  • A 10 week experience of the Story for missional communities focused on laying the initial foundation for discipleship—both for those who already believe the gospel and those who are investigating it.  This is the version of the Story we use most often.


more resources

Helpful Sites to Browse
The Gospel Coalition | Gospel-Centered Discipleship | Ligonier (all teaching content currently free)

Christian Creeds and Confessions
Apostles Creed | Nicene Creed | Heidelberg Catechism | Westminster Shorter Catechism | New City Catechism (great for all ages)

Experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus
Bible Project | Bible Project: Church at Home (free 8-week email program)

Free Online Courses
Gospel Coalition free online courses | The Bible Project free graduate-level courses | Western Seminary Biblical Theology

Daily Prayer and Scripture
The Bible App (tons of reading plans and daily reading guides)| Tim Keller - Proverbs Daily Devotional | Psalms Daily Devotional | Marriage Daily Devotional

Daily Liturgy and Meditation & Podcasts
Bridgetown Church Daily |  Coram Deo Church Daily Liturgy | Tin Man Podcast

Spotify Playlists Curated by Soma’s Worship Team
Soma Spokane Songbook

Resources for Soma Leaders:


MC Leader Equipping: