Mark 1: Gospel Partnership

Mark 1: Gospel Partnership

Our study in Philippians will explore 10 Marks of Long-Term Mission, learning how we can continue to enjoy and share the grace of God for years to come. Paul begins his letter with great joy, gratitude, and affection -- he's remembering how the Philippian church began, and he's celebrating God's work among them and through them. God started a good work among us, God is sustaining that work, and God will bring that work to completion, and this is the grounds for our assurance. As we partner to make disciples, multiply communities, and plant churches in our region and beyond, we, too, need to Start Strong. We need a Sturdy Assurance, a Heartfelt Alliance, and Abounding Affections. We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially (to increase recurring giving by 25%). Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie

Community Discussion

  1. Read Philippians 1:3-11. What do you notice about Paul's relationship with the Philippians?

  2. Consider v.6: What is Paul certain of? And what are the grounds of his certainty?

  3. According to v.7-8, what did God do among the Philippians?

  4. Who is around your table regularly? Is there room for more? Who needs an invitation?

  5. Discuss our 90-Day Pray, Fast, Give Challenge: How is everyone doing?

October 13, 2024


Mark 2: Missional Abandon


Intro & Overview to Philippians