Mark 3: United Engagement

Mark 3: United Engagement

Paul has just shown he is “All in” and is now calling the Philippians to life through being all in themselves. His directions for how to be all in are: Together, strive to stand firm in the Spirit, and together, strive to embody a faithful life to the gospel. The world will either reject or embrace Jesus followers, but resistance to this way of life is a gift that gives us more of Jesus Himself. We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially. Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie

Community Discussion

  1. Read Philippians 1:27-30 together.

  2. As you read, live and listen to Jesus, what is He inviting you into or what is He speaking over You?

  3. Have you blessed anyone in the name of Jesus this week?

October 27, 2024


Mark 4: Stay Low


Mark 2: Missional Abandon