Mark 4: Stay Low
Mark 4: Stay Low
Becoming a long-term disciple-making and church-planting presence will require us to maintain unity. It is no secret that most churches that have been around for long have experienced disunity and division, often resulting in church splits. Even Paul's favorite church -- the Philippians! -- had a growing rift, and in 2:1-11 Paul is trying to get ahead of it. He reminds the church of all they've shared together in Jesus, and calls them fight for unity through the the pursuit of humility. Ultimately, humility is the fruit of seeing and savoring the self-emptying, self-sacrificing, saving love of Jesus! We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially. Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie
Community Discussion
Read Philippians 2:1-11 together.
To what degree have you experienced what Paul describes in v.1?
What would show up in our church if we were more deeply committed to v.2-3?
To what degree have you committed yourself personally to obeying v.4?
Pray (or sing!) the hymn in v.5-11. What most captivates you about Jesus?
November 3, 2024