Mark 10: Stay Long

Mark 10: Stay Long

We end our 90 Day Commitment to Pray, Fast, and Give, and our 3-month study in Paul's letter to the church at Philippi by returning to the main theme: Gospel Partnership. Paul's joy in the Philippians is directly connected to their faithfulness to both receiving the gospel and giving themselves to the advance of the gospel. He ends with an encouragement to stay at it, for the long haul. We'll see that becoming a long-term disciple-making and church planting presence requires a deep contentment in Jesus, a shared commitment to his mission, and a trusting conviction in his provision. We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially. Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie

Community Discussion

  1. Read Phil 4:10-23 together. What is the secret of contentment that Paul describes in v.10-13? To what degree have you experienced that?

  2. What does partnership for Jesus' mission look like for you, your community, and our church?

  3. What has the promise of 4.19 meant to you over the last 90 days?

  4. What supply are you asking Jesus to meet for you in 2025?

December 22, 2024


The Enlivening Spirit - New Life


Mark 9: Live Loud