Mark 9: Live Loud

Mark 9: Live Loud

The Bible’s big, life-changing truths meet us in the everyday messiness of life. Paul shows us what it means to live as citizens of heaven — people shaped by Jesus’ reign and values— while dealing with the ordinary struggles of relationships and community. We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially. Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie

Community Discussion

  1. Read Phil 4:1-9 together. What stands out to you about the conflict addressed in v.2-3?

  2. How do you tend to handle conflict, and why?

  3. How can our citizenship in heaven and the imminent return of Jesus shape how we handle conflict?

December 15, 2024


Mark 10: Stay Long


Mark 8: Press On