Mark 8: Press On

Mark 8: Press On

Paul is going to finish his chapter 3 thought to his beloved friends and family. Please, brothers and sisters, don’t be distracted by the rubbish of the world. But rather, press in to all that Christ has accomplished for you. Let go of all else. It is all trash, “skubala”, in comparison to the greatness of who Christ is and what He has for you. Let go and grab a hold of Him. We are praying Philippians 4:19 every day at 4:19 pm (follow along in #prayer), fasting for 24 hours each week (as you are able), and giving sacrificially. Are you in? #gospelcenteredtillwedie

Community Discussion

  1. Read Phil 3:12-21 together. What is the “Skubala” in your life that keeps you from experiencing Jesus?  What cheap and temporary things do you look to for comfort that could be replaced with the presence of Christ?

  2. What are some practices to “Create Space” that God might be inviting you to try? Scott mentioned deeper community, changing your input (eliminate and fill), and listening. What could you try to begin to use to create a space for God to speak? 

  3. What has God spoken to you in this past week? What is he leading you into? What is He speaking over you? 

December 8, 2024


Mark 9: Live Loud


Mark 7: Count Wrong