Draw Near!
Draw Near!
Hebrews 8-10 is a rich exposition of the supremacy of Jesus and his sacrifice over the sacrificial system and high priests of Judaism. The old system was a mixed bag: God gave his people a way to deal with the sin problem, but it actually served to continuously remind them of the sin problem. It was simply insufficient, unable to really cleanse the conscience of the worshipper, and sin's guilty weight remained. But Jesus, by means of his self-offering, has done perfectly and in reality what the priests could only do imperfectly and figuratively. By offering himself as a perfect sacrifice, through the shedding of his own sinless blood, Jesus removed sin's weight and condemnation, and opened full, free, and unfettered access to God! Therefore, we can draw near to God with assurance and we can stir one another to love and good deeds.
Read Hebrews 8-10
Read all of Hebrews 8-10 this week. What seems to be the author's main concerns?
What does Hebrews 10:19-21 tell us about Jesus and his work? How is it better than the OT system?
Consider the commands in v.22-25. How can we be this kind of church together:
Draw Near: What factors or beliefs contribute to your hesitancy in fully approaching God's presence?
Hold Fast: How can you personally and as a community fight to keep Jesus our main thing?
Consider One Another: How can you help build the kind of community described in v.24-25?
What is the warning in v.26-31, and to whom does it apply? How is it the opposite of v.19-25?
Mar 10, 2024 - Steve Hart