Run with Endurance

Run With Endurance!

Hebrews 11 is a long list of biblical figures who “by faith” conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, quenched the power of fire, and were tortured unto death. They were made strong out of weakness, because of the one in whom they placed their faith. Hebrews 12 turns the corner and says “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses… let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Chapter 12 is a call to keep our eyes on Jesus, keep our faith in Jesus, and repent of our desire to quit and drop out of the race. We all face hardships, we all struggle with sin, we’re all disciplined by the Lord for our good, and as a result, we’ll all be tempted to quit at some point along the way. The challenge of Hebrews 12 is to repent of that desire to quit: “lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees,” consider Jesus and the opposition he faced, consider the great cloud of witnesses around him, and carry on in God’s strength.

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Read Hebrews 11-12

  1. How does the author define “faith” and what difference does faith make?

  2. Hebrews 11 is a long list of biblical figures who exercised faith. What effect does that list have on you? Which examples stir you the most?

  3. Hebrews 12:1-17. Which of the following discourages you the most in your “race”?

    • Carrying unnecessary weight (verse 1)

    • Persistent sin that “clings so closely” (verse 1)

    • Opposition from the world / ungodly people (verse 3)

    • The loving discipline of the Father (verses 5-11)

  4. What does it look like for you to “fix your eyes on Jesus”? (verse 2) What does that mean and what effect does it have?

  5. PRAY for one another, that God would relieve burdens, renew strength, and give fresh endurance as we fix our eyes on Him. As you pray, personally confess and repent of any desire or temptation you have to quit your race, and ask for God’s help.

Mar 17, 2024 - Matt Deisen


Bear the Reproach


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