Bear the Reproach
Bear the Reproach!
This Palm Sunday, we look at a savior who entered the holy city, only to leave it again. The shouts of the crowds and the bustle of the elite's religion didn't entice Jesus to stick around. Jesus was compelled by a deep compassion for all people, especially the lost. Jesus was constantly finding his way to the margins. He constantly drifted toward the outsiders on the edges of society. Hebrews 13 tells us that he "suffered outside the gate to sanctify the people through his own blood." Likewise, we should go to him outside the camp, bear the reproach he endured, and there find our hearts encouraged by his grace.
Read Hebrews 13:1-9
Read all of Hebrews 13
What makes you weary? How has trying to keep up with the culture expended your energy?
What risk do you need to take to love the outsiders? What broken part of the world do you feel drawn toward?
What keeps you from it? What do you need to repent of?
Mar 24, 2024 - Gabe Shippam