YHWH is God

YHWH is God

In this famous story of Elijah's bold challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, we learn the importance of confronting idolatry and false gods in our lives and society with unwavering faith in the one true God. In particular, we're looking this week at political idolatry, and the ways in which political partisanship has gained our allegiance, deformed our faith, and tarnished our witness. In Elijah's prayer, we see God's true goal: to have the allegiance and affections of our hearts.


Read 1 Kings 18:17-40

  1. Discuss the 4 political idols/ideologies. How does each reflect Kingdom priorities?

  2. Bring your lean: Toward which quadrant are you most drawn, and why?

  3. Submit your bow: What happens when you make that quadrant ultimate?

  4. Read the 10 Political Commitments, and commit to living them together.

Apr 28, 2024 - Steve Hart


Praying the Promise


Stretched Out