Stretched Out

Stretched Out

In a surprising twist of events, the widow to whom Elijah was sent finds her son near to death, and blames Elijah! Elijah moves in faith and prayer and puts his life on the line to give life to the widow’s son. How can we go to the places where death is currently reigning, and stretch out like Elijah to bring life and wholeness? How does the gospel empower us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God?


Read 1 Kings 17:17-24

Watch the  "3 Commands of Jesus" video together.

  1. Consider Elijah’s actions in the face of death. What is his response to the suffering woman and her son?

  2. What areas of the brokenness all around us are you most unsettled by, and why?

  3. What resources have we been entrusted with as a community? For what purpose?

  4. How will we as a community stand in the gap and contribute to the restoration of shalom? Is there a way we all can serve together once a month? (The key is to think sustainable and simple and start small. For example, you could learn about a particular need in your community).

Apr 21, 2024 - Jon Schuler


YHWH is God


Sent in Weakness