Sent in Weakness

Sent In Weakness

Elijah is called out of "Babylon”, but also sent back in, on mission. God sends him to a widow's house, in weakness and vulnerability. As he steps out in faith, God does a miracle. This isn't a one-off, it's a pattern for how God wants us to live. We're sent into Babylon, on mission, in weakness and vulnerability, and it's in this context that God will supply the bread.


Read 1 Kings 17:8-16

Community Conversations: A Common Allegiance

  1. What was the relationship between Elijah and Israel? In what ways is it different than our situation today?

  2. What does it mean to be called out of Babylon, and sent back into Babylon? Where are you in that journey?

  3. Who is God calling you to? Are there people or places we can draw near to together as a community?

    (Where does your calling overlap? - Constellation Video)

    (Equipping for Gospel conversations)

    (Commit to praying as a community)

  4. What does it look like to go to them without bread? Why would Jesus do that, and direct his disciples to do the same?

  5. Finally, read the Allegiance Prayer together, and do so whenever you gather.

Apr 14, 2024 - Matt Deisen


Stretched Out


The Call of Elijah