The Call of Elijah
The Call of Elijah
Elijah found himself in the middle of one of the worst national apostasies in Israel’s history and yet was determined to be faithful to YHWH. Elijah is willing to be out of step with his cultural moment in order to be faithful to God and the Covenant He’s made with Israel. And that makes him a Trouble Maker (1 Kings 18:17). In this series, we’ll consider 7 Practices that help anchor our allegiance to Jesus and his Kingdom in the midst of our own cultural moment.
Read 1 Kings 16:29-17:7
Community Conversations: A Common Allegiance
How do you perceive the cultural moment we're living in, compared to Elijah's time?
What most distracts you from being attentive to God, his voice, and his Kingdom priorities?
Discuss the Digital Detox. How will we engage it together as a community?
Review the Daily Bread process (BREAD). When and how will you engage the process?
Preview the daily readings from the Sermon on the Mount. On Sundays, read from 1 Kings.
Finally, read the Allegiance Prayer together, and do so whenever you gather.
Apr 7, 2024 - Steve Hart